How to Find the BPM of a Song in 3 Easy Ways

If you’re a music lover, you probably know how important the beats per minute (bpm) of a song can be. The tempo of a song can make all the difference in how you feel while listening to it. Some songs are just meant to be played fast, while others are better suited for a slower pace. But do you know how to find the bpm of a song?

Finding the beats per minute (BPM) of a song can be helpful for all sorts of things, from knowing how fast to run to how energetic a song is. And while you might think that finding the BPM of a song is a complicated task, it’s actually quite easy!

How to Find the BPM of a Song

Beats per minute, Bpm

Beats per minute, or BPM, are a unit of measure used to describe the tempo of a song. The number of BPMs corresponds to the number of times a beat occurs in one minute.

For example, a song with a tempo of 120 BPM would have two beats per second. While the tempo of a song can be determined mathematically, it is also often simply expressed as how “fast” or “slow” the song feels. In general, fast songs tend to have a higher BPM than slow songs.

However, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to tempo. Naturally, slow songs have a lower beats per minute (bpm) while fast songs have a higher bpm. However, it is also possible for a slow song to have a high BPM, and a fast song can have a low BPM. It all depends on the effect the artist is trying to create.

While the tempo of a song is certainly important, it is not the only factor that determines its sound and feel. The rhythm, melody, and harmony all play a role in creating the overall mood of a piece of music.

How can you feel the beats per minute in a song?

One way to feel the beats per minute in a song is to count the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Then, compare that number to the number of beats in the song. If the song has more beats per minute, then it will make your heart rate increase. On the other hand, if the song has fewer beats per minute, then it will make your heart rate decrease.

Another way to feel the beats per minute in a song is to tap your foot along with the music. As you tap your foot, count the number of times your foot hits the ground in one minute. Again, compare this number to the number of beats in the song.

If you find that you are tapping your foot more times than there are beats in the song, then the song has a slower tempo. If you find that you are tapping your foot fewer times than there are beats in the song, then the song has a faster tempo. By either counting your heartbeats or tapping your foot, you can get a good sense of how fast or slow a particular song is.

How to Find the BPM of a Song

To find the beats per minute of a song, you can use a variety of methods. One popular method is to count the number of times the bass drum hits in one minute, then multiply that number by four. You can also use a metronome, or BPM counter app on your phone or computer. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to find the BPM of a song using each method:

Method 1: Counting the Bass Drum Beats

Bass Drum Beats
  • Start by finding a song with a steady drumbeat. Avoid songs with lots of pauses, changes in tempo, or other interruptions in the beat.
  • Use a stopwatch or online stopwatch to time one minute.
  • As the song plays, count the number of times the bass drum hits.
  • Once you’ve reached one minute, multiply the number of beats by four to find the BPM.

Method 2: Using a Metronome

  • Find a metronome online or on your phone.
  • Set the metronome to a slow BPM, such as 60.
  • Start the metronome and play along with the song. As you play, try to match the tempo of the song.
  • Once you’ve found the right BPM, write it down and increase the metronome speed by 5-10 BPM.
  • Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you can no longer keep up with the song.
  • Use the highest BPM you were able to play along with as the BPM for the song.

Method 3: Using a BPM Counter App

BPM Counter
  • Download a BPM counter app on your phone or computer.
  • Start the app and play the song you want to find the BPM of.
  • The app will automatically detect and count the beats per minute of the song.
  • Write down the BPM and stop the app when you’re finished.


  • If you’re having trouble finding the BPM of a song using one of the methods above, try another method.
  • Some songs may have multiple tempos or change tempo throughout the song. In these cases, it’s best to find the average BPM or use the highest BPM you were able to play along with.
  • If you’re a musician, it can be helpful to practice with a metronome or BPM counter app to improve your sense of timing and rhythm.

Now that you know how to find the BPM of a song, put your knowledge to the test and try it out on some of your favorite tunes!

Popular Songs with a Fast Tempo or Bpm

As anyone who’s ever tried to dance to a slow song can attest, a fast tempo is essential for a good party. And what’s a party without some good music? Here are just a few of the many popular songs with a fast tempo:

  • “I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)” by Whitney Houston (119 BPM)
  • “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars (115 BPM)
  • “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake (113 BPM)
  • “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift (160 BPM)
  • “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor (134 BPM)

So next time you’re planning a party, make sure to put together a playlist with at least a few of these classics. Your guests will thank you for it!

Benefits to Listening to Music with a High Tempo

There’s no doubt that music can have a powerful effect on our emotions. But what about the tempo of the music we’re listening to? Does it make a difference whether the song is fast or slow?

Fast Tempo

Aside from the fact that it can make you want to dance, there are actually many benefits to listening to music with a high tempo.

When it comes to music with a high beats per minute (BPM) count, there is some evidence that it can provide some benefits. One study found that participants who listened to music with a high BPM while working out showed signs of increased alertness and improved coordination. Other research has shown that listening to high-tempo music can improve your mood, help to increase heart rate and respiration, which can be helpful for boosting energy levels and metabolism. It can also reduce stress and anxiety, stimulate the release of endorphins and increase productivity.

So if you’re looking for a little musical motivation, it might be worth cranking up the BPMs.

Can you train yourself to appreciate songs with slower tempos?

Training your brain to appreciate songs with slower tempos or beats per minute counts can be difficult if you’re used to listening to upbeat music. However, it is possible to retrain your brain to enjoy slower songs by listening to them regularly and focusing on the lyrics and melody.

Slow Tempo

You may also find it helpful to create a playlist of slower songs that you enjoy. Over time, you may find that you begin to appreciate the relaxing quality of slower songs and the way they can provide a moment of calm in a busy day. You may even find yourself gravitating towards them more and more.

Feel the Beat

Now that we know all about beats per minute, why they matter, and how to feel them in a song, We bet you can already start appreciating the beat of these songs more than before! And if you want to keep training your ear (or maybe challenge yourself),  try finding the BPM of some of your favorite songs using one of the methods we talked about. We guarantee you’ll be surprised at how many songs have a higher tempo than you realized.

Whether you’re a fan of fast-paced or slow-tempo songs, there’s no denying that music has the power to move us. So next time you’re feeling down, put on your favorite tunes and let the rhythm take over. Your mind and body will thank you for it!

So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to finding the beats per minute of a song. We hope you found this information helpful and that you’re able to put it to good use the next time you’re jamming out.

So go out there and start feeling the beat!

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